4 facts about a double major in psychology and English

If you are interested to know if double majoring in psychology and English will be worth it or not this post is for you.

In this post, we’re going to discover the 4 important facts about double majoring in psychology and English. So keep reading to know more details.

1 – Double major in psychology and English is not financially rewarding

Basically, you have to understand that double majoring in psychology and English is not financially rewarding. That being said you want to increase or find a high salary job when you double major in these two occupations.

 In addition, English Majors And psychology occupations are super competitive.  So if you think that a double major in psychology and English would be good and marketable for you this is not right.

 instead, you could follow a psychology major alone than taking an overloaded program that doesn’t have a clear direction. Today Psychologists make a lot of money compared to English majors.

according to the BLS, the median salary of psychologists is $81,040 while $51,500 for English majors, psychologists are making 40% more than most English occupations. 

So if you are seeking for more comfortable and financially rewarding occupation Psychology will be better and more effective than spreading your attention between English in psychology as a double major.

What makes psychology more encouraging to measure is its annually grow rate. Each year this industry is growing by 8% which is faster than the average occupations which remains the best opportunity to take on in this case.

the only rewarding occupation that you could take advantage of is teaching, which we’re going to talk about later in our article.

2 – Double majoring in psychology and English is hard

Doubling major in psychology and English is hard you will be demanded to absorb voluminous programs, we’re going to list a sample of what you will expect o study as a double major in English and psychology.

1 – Psychology 

In psychology you will study theses following subjects as a double major:

  • Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • Clinical, Developmental, Personality, and Social Psychology
  • Methods in Psychological Science
  • Advanced Research Methods Laboratory
  • Psychophysiology Laboratory
  • Social Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology Laboratory
  • Human Movement Laboratory
  • Cognitive Psychology 

 2 – Literature

  • Critical Writing About Literature
  • Charting Literary History I
  • Charting Literary History II
  • Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism

each subject has a lot of ramifications or subfields, so it requires a lot of reading and memorization.

So the question is, are you a good memorizer or not?

we’re talking about people who want to major as much as quickly as possible. But if you don’t mind spending 5 years on a degree this will create an issue, but fewer people would love about that, especially the ones you need to find a job to work. 

But you have to remember getting a good GPA will increase your chance to be an employee in such competitive domains as English or biology. So is better to check if you are able to cope with these huge amounts of knowledge or not.

If you have doubt is better to take one major which is psychology as we recommend in the first paragraph.

3 Potential occupations that double major in psychology and English prepare you for

There are a lot of occupations that the subjects of psychology and English subjects can be useful for, for instance, you can beat:

  • Therapist
  • counselor
  • working in HR or PR positions
  • teaching

but you have to know that getting a double major degree in both majors, doesn’t mean will going directly to allow you, to apply for these occupations. You just have some additional knowledge that allows you to compete.

For instance, to become a teacher you will need to have some credentials or follow an academic, and pass some test like the praxis test or anything else. But if you think that a double majoring in psychology and English will give you some special credits or reduce the workload, this is not true.

A lot of Bachelors in English or Pysch (not both) find some difficulties to find a job. As a result, force them to pursue Masters to finally get nice and respectful jobs. So the key is to take specialization not overboard in psychology or English.

4 – English major is also better than doubling

You’ll be great at English major if decide to become a project manager, especially in writing documentation. Having a solid background in English be so helpful in this case but you have to consider that to become a project manager you have to take some additional technical skills.

In other words, you have to take some computing courses that have a relation between computers and management like:

  • Human resource management
  • Marketing fundamentals
  • Human resource management.

There are lots of jobs that you can apply for with an English major such as:

  1. Production assistant
  2. Editor
  3. Technical writer
  4. Writer
  5. Marketing associate
  6. Reporter
  7. teacher
  8. Communications officer
  9. Social media manager
  10. project manager
  11. copywriter
  12. content creator

This major is full of opportunities, you can even take some occupations that don’t need to have even a degree. The world is changing degree become with everyday worthless than it was.

That being said you don’t have to focus more on your degree than focus on your skillset or the value you can provide to the market.


if you are interested in double majoring in psychology and English because you have an interest then go for it. Having additional information or getting knowledge will be also beneficial.

But, if you have the mindset of an investor and think that this double major will give you some dividends and newer opportunities, you have to think twice about this decision. Because in reality, it doesn’t do.

you could read this related article: Is psychology humanity(solved)


Yassin ajanif is a physics graduate and electromechanical engineer width more than 5 years in the field. My goal and my team are to share our experience to help you succeed in your career as a stem major. we talk about all tips, problems, and struggle STEM students face in their career and how to overcome them.