Is computer science a stem major? (solved)

Is it right that computer science is a stem major?

If so, what makes computer science a stem a major?

Why is computer science the most challenging stem major if it is a stem major?

In this post, we will respond to these questions in detail, noticing why computer science is a stem or not stem major?

Is computer science a stem major?

Is computer science a stem major

Comptuer science is a stem major without any doubt. Computer science subjects belong to the 4 pillars of STEM: Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In other words, computer science teaches math, engineering and technology, and even science.

So computer science teaches the 4 aspects of the stem, which are:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

computer science is one of the stem majors. If you want to know what stem is in detail, you can read this article.

What is Stem for students: most popular question about.

As a simple explanation, Stem is an acronym for “SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS”. To simplify, any major that teaches at least one of these specialties is considered a stem major.

For instance, a math major is a stem because you study math which is a principal component of the stem. So what about computers science major comprises:

  • math
  • technology
  • science
  • engineering

reason 1: computer science has a lot of technology 

Computer science focuses a lot on technology. Students learn about computers, machines, and systems. In other words, technology is the focus of students.

The significant indicator of that is the name of the branch of computer science. The word computer reflects the importance of technology in this field. This branch is fully concentrated on computer machines.

Computer science students dig deeper into the core of computers. They study the consistency of components, how they work, and how to program them.

For instance:

  • study the hardware of computers and machine
  • build some technological projects
  • study robotics, etc

Engineering in computer science as a stem major

The second thing or pillar that Stem is based on in computer science is engineering. Computer science students focus a lot on software and hardware engineering before specialization.

computer science students learn how to program computers or machines through many programming languages they should learn like:

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • python
  • GO
  • javascript
  • ruby
  • Matlab etc

The second part that computer science students study also is hardware engineering. That is to say, designing electronics circuits and boards and programming them.

This domain is a specialty called embedded system design, but in general is an engineering process to make electronics boards that you find in your:

  • phone
  • TV
  • computer
  • AC room
  • microwave, etc

So the third pillar of STEM, which is engineering, is heavily present in computer science.

Mathematics in computer science as a stem major

The last thing or pillar in a stem is mathematics. Machtmecis is a leg that computer science majors use. Without mathematics, computer and science couldn’t be built, is as essential tools in this major.

Computer science majors use math heavily in their studies. This major is the heaviest major in math. In other words, students use different math subjects in this field like:

  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Statistics and probability
  • discrete math

So there is a lot of math to study in this field, which is not a domain for anyone. The reason that makes computer science uses math intensively is that it is adopted to explain computer engineering.

Math is not used also in computer science, but it is used in all aspects of life. Everything that we have around using math is participating hugely in its consistency.


So to summarise, computer science is a branch of the stem because it is a math, engineering, and technology field with excellent. Computer science is purely a stem major than math or physics because it touches many areas or aspects simultaneously.

Is computer science the easiest stem major?

Computer science is not the easiest stem major. In other words, it is the hardest stem major. It includes a lot of complex subjects like:

  • programming
  • math
  • engineering

These aspects require to have a deep understanding of math and technology to prove that you can discover these numbers:

  • 9.8% is the drop rate of computer science, which is the high drop rate among majors
  • 33% of computer science students drop out in the first year because they find it hard major.

If you want more details, you could read this article: 9 famous reasons why students drop out of computer science?

So if you think that computer science will be an easy route you are wrong.

Why is computer science the hardest stem major?

The principal reason that makes computer science the hardest stem major is math.

Computer science students study a lot of math. In the first year, you will studying:

  • calculus (calc 1 and calc2)
  • algebra
  • trigonometry
  • discrete math and probability

The complex math that many students struggle with is calculus, which is the most demanding math subject that you can face in a computer science course. In comparison, other topics like algebra and discrete math are still achievable.

Many students expect computer science to study a lot of programming. But the reality is that computer science is not focused on programming as much as math and engineering, where so many people are surprised.

But, that doesn’t mean that computer science is hard for anyone. Because we find many students struggling in many English majors and humanities more than math. So things stay always relative.

you could read these articles:

15 critical signs that indicate that CS is not for you

Should I study CS if I’m bad at math? (Honest answer)

These articles are so important to give you an idea if you should study computer science or not


According to its diversity of stem subjects, math, engineering, and technology, computer science is a pure stem major. All are embedded in this field. As a result, it is one of the most challenging stem subjects to bear.

You can see in this video the rankings of computer science among other fields.


Yassin ajanif is a physics graduate and electromechanical engineer width more than 5 years in the field. My goal and my team are to share our experience to help you succeed in your career as a stem major. we talk about all tips, problems, and struggle STEM students face in their career and how to overcome them.